Today when I opened up my macbook at home in the evening I was shocked at what I saw. Steve Jobs has passed on to a better place. My heart is heavy at this news, and it really comes at an interesting time for me. As I contemplate on the passion, strength, perseverance, creativity, talent, inspiration and dedication of this gentleman, it makes me wonder what could be of each one of us if we pushed the envelope of our creativity. I wonder what would happen if we valued things like originality and non-conformist attitudes. I call it listening to your holy spirit within, though for many it could be just following your heart, or your strong creative drive or desires. Whatever it may be I know that it is a possibility for all of us. I know there is a time in each of our lives where we fill that pull to make a change. That time in our lives where we know we can be part of something greater. Its so great that we cannot even wrap our heads around it.
The idea that Steve Jobs kept working hard at what he believed in, no matter what the setback, is a true testimony of the qualities we need to make our dreams come true. It all starts with a dream or a vision, that deep sense of possibility. It takes moving into the direction of your dream/vision, step by step at paces so small that at those very moments you are taking them, the big dream seems far, far away. But you never lose hope, because you believe in something greater than what you can fit in that mind that can sometimes fail to lend support. You push through with perseverance and do not let time that has passed hinder your dream/vision. Before you know it your vision becomes a reality and all the time that has passed does not even matter because your vision has changed the world.
I think the life of Steve Jobs was very short, though he himself may have felt like he was old. His legacy will definitely continue to live on, and those he mentored will continue to do his work. As the young leaders of the next generation, I believe we have an obligation to do what we came here for. We all have the potential to push the envelope of our creativity and possibilities. We all have something unique to bring to the table just like Steve Jobs did and all those people he mentored throughout his life do.
Not only will Apple go down in history and continue to innovate itself. Pixar animation studios was also a brilliant invention. Pixar movies have been some of my favorites since they came out. The idea that the person behind movies like "Monsters Inc, Ratatouille, and Up" will no longer make more movies leaves me with a heavy heart. I have faith, though, that the team he mentored will continue to do the great work that he did.
R. I. P Steve Jobs.
"God made us in His image..." Genesis 1:27