Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Prayer is Powerful..

     I can't help but think about the damage that Hurricane Sandy has done to the lives of many people.  Here I am grateful to God that I did not experience damage from the storm, yet I can't seem to disconnect myself from others who have experienced major destruction.  We don't know the importance of something until we lose it.  

   Sometimes during these difficult times it is hard to find the words for prayer.  There is so much we want to ask for.  I found the following prayers and thought I would share them here.

     For those whose lives have been majorly altered, I offer the following prayer:

Prayer for Overcoming Life's Hardships
O Lord, we call upon You in our time of sorrow,
That You give us the strength and will to bear our heavy
burdens, until we can again feel the warmth and love of
Your divine compassion. Be mindful of us and have mercy
on us while we struggle to comprehend life's hardships.
Keep us ever in Your watch, til we can walk again with
light hearts and renewed spirits.

     For those who were not majorly affected, I offer the following prayer:

To be Grateful
Lord God, may we be grateful for our lot,
and compassionate toward all those who are
suffering every kind of distress at this
difficult time.
May we hold back nothing, and 
hasten to be 
the ministers of prayer and mercy,
like the disciples of Him who went about 
good in times of need.

     The power of prayer is very powerful.  I thank my family and friends for all their prayers and concerns in anticipation of the storm, during the storm, and after the storm.  They truly served as a blanket of protection for me.  Now we must continue praying for others!