Tuesday, September 11, 2012

An open heart.

     This morning I awake in gratitude.  It has been a difficult road, trekking the edge of the path, hitting the rocky ground, and finding my way among the thorns.  This life full of distractions, full of rocks and boulders in the form of fear, shame, guilt, bitterness, selfishness, jealousy, and a shallow and passionless attitude about growth.  This life smothered by the countless worries and concerns of my life. Yet, there is something in me that is not content to hang about directionless on the edge of the path.  There is a thirst within me so strong that it will move aside the rocks and boulders to seek moisture.  There is a yearning so intense in the desire to put God first.

     Today I will contemplate on this scripture:

The farmer waits 
for the precious crop
from the earth,
being patient with it
until it receives
the early and the late rains.
You also must be patient.
Strengthen your hearts, 
for the coming of the Lord is near.
            James 5:7-8

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